Lack of Greenback RSS Tiles as opposed to all others???

Posted over 3 years ago by Edwin smith

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Edwin smith

So… after playing almost 200 Days, I’ve noticed that All RSS tiles spawn more frequently than Greenback Tiles do… and any that are around during peak times are usually “Dirty” 1) The sheer amount of people playing the game it’s easy to see that Greenback tiles are lacking. 2) I can send out 6 marches at a Time currently, the only time I have ever been able to farm 6 Greenback tiles at once is super early in the A.M. hours… “I.e.” the buttcrack of Dawn… 3) is this by Design? So I’m forced to buy Greenbacks with real money?? It’s constant… state… search for Greenback tiles… level 5… “There are no resource tiles near your town of that kind”….. ok so I’ll use a Advanced teleport to Travel halfway across the state in hopes of finding some…. “There are no resource tiles near your town of that kind….. I’m starting to feel that this is a Blatant tactic used by the development team to force me into buying resource packs…. I have no complaints at all with ANY other Resource or the farming of… I always have millions of all Resources easy EXCEPT Greenbacks…. Am I the only one who feels this way?? I can’t possibly be…

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