Your winter special package was great, $20. For something that you could stretch out for a duration of time.
That was worth spending a bit of cash on.
Please make more packages like that.
1 Votes
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Ryan Edelbrockposted
about 7 years ago
I agree, send some more packs like research and speedups. I have money to spend and nothing to buy.
1 Votes
Dustin Wyattposted
about 7 years ago
Same here, always seem to have plenty of money but never any packs available. I get a pack maybe once every 2 months.
Your winter special package was great, $20. For something that you could stretch out for a duration of time. That was worth spending a bit of cash on. Please make more packages like that.
1 Votes
Ryan Edelbrock posted about 7 years ago
1 Votes
Dustin Wyatt posted about 7 years ago
1 Votes
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