Rally Point

Posted over 6 years ago by w sanders

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w sanders

The game won't allow me to build a Rally Point.

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w sanders posted over 6 years ago

Says a town mission, but takes me to fortifications.

1 Votes


Butch VanBuren posted over 6 years ago

Can't figure out how to build a rally point.I follow instructions and it just brings me to fortifications

1 Votes


Alanjones991 posted about 6 years ago

Same problem takes me to fortifications. I have built everything up to level 21 as well

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John Bolton posted almost 6 years ago

What's the solution to this problem with the rally points???

0 Votes


inkslayer77 posted almost 6 years ago

If you can't build your rally point, you may have too many other buildings in that area where your houses, barracks and all that are. Make sure you have an open block for it

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Rfoltyn posted almost 4 years ago

have open blocks that’s not a solution developers don’t answer this issue I will delete game if no answers

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inkslayer77 posted almost 4 years ago

If you have too many of one type of building on that side of the fort you will not be able to build anything else until you have a free spot. Best thing to do is get up one of everything you can only put one of, such as the college, garrison, and telegraph and leave the houses, barracks and hospitals for later on after you get those up. You should have one warehouse, one telegraph, one college, one rally point, and one garrison. If you don't have those five you have too many other buildings and need to destroy one to make room

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