Hello guys and everyone.
You developers build a great game , looks epic.
The problem the game doesn’t rise up and players leaving the game it’s because the activity and the packs.
You opened 4 states at the same time , every state is half dead becuase if it , ppl leaving the game because it’s not active , I suggested to merge the states 3,4,5,6 into 2 states fast , just put down the game for half day and fix it up if you want the game to rise up or it will die .
Packs - you need to do daily packs of something , even just cheap ones to give ppl something to do and not get bored to death .
Thank you , I hope you will listen and merge the states if not it will die , it can be epic and active game if you do it and then wait a month and open 1 new . This method of opening couple of states at ones killed your gaming as world at war dead and aol is dead .
Players don’t trust you guys but you can change it by merge it will see as you care for your players and games.
Hello guys and everyone. You developers build a great game , looks epic. The problem the game doesn’t rise up and players leaving the game it’s because the activity and the packs. You opened 4 states at the same time , every state is half dead becuase if it , ppl leaving the game because it’s not active , I suggested to merge the states 3,4,5,6 into 2 states fast , just put down the game for half day and fix it up if you want the game to rise up or it will die . Packs - you need to do daily packs of something , even just cheap ones to give ppl something to do and not get bored to death . Thank you , I hope you will listen and merge the states if not it will die , it can be epic and active game if you do it and then wait a month and open 1 new . This method of opening couple of states at ones killed your gaming as world at war dead and aol is dead . Players don’t trust you guys but you can change it by merge it will see as you care for your players and games.
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