Under Members, Manage, it has an option to gift an alliance member. Anyone know how to activate this feature?
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Sorted by
about 7 years ago
Yes I would really appreciate a time frame please
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Carl Veithposted
about 7 years ago
I actually came to this forum for the very same question.. The response stated that this feature would be available "soon". Do you know of a time frame for this feature? Also, will this feature be something available to ALL players or, will it be a feature you have to purchase to use?
Thank you and happy new year!
1 Votes
Laura Bposted
over 7 years ago
Hi David,
Thank you for taking the time to send us your question!
At the moment the Gift button within the Alliance is unavailable but it is a feature that will be soon introduced in the game play.
If you need further help with the game, please don't hesitate to let us know!
Under Members, Manage, it has an option to gift an alliance member. Anyone know how to activate this feature?
1 Votes
Theresa posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Carl Veith posted about 7 years ago
I actually came to this forum for the very same question.. The response stated that this feature would be available "soon". Do you know of a time frame for this feature? Also, will this feature be something available to ALL players or, will it be a feature you have to purchase to use?
Thank you and happy new year!
1 Votes
Laura B posted over 7 years ago
Hi David,
Thank you for taking the time to send us your question!
At the moment the Gift button within the Alliance is unavailable but it is a feature that will be soon introduced in the game play.
If you need further help with the game, please don't hesitate to let us know!
0 Votes
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