We advise you to use the Block feature which means that you will no longer see their messages in the State, Alliance or Language chat, nor can they send you any messages. You can block a player from within the message they send by tapping on their avatar and selecting Block.
0 Votes
Sorted by
over 4 years ago
How do I add another fort?
0 Votes
Robert Kriegarposted
almost 7 years ago
Ignorant snowflakes like Game Monkey don't have the brains of a box of rocks.
Instead of being creeps, you could just act like you have social skills. If you find someone that offensive, report them. Then block them.
0 Votes
Gregory Bruceposted
almost 7 years ago
Quit being so cheap with Alliance missions!
0 Votes
Rowdy Rebposted
almost 7 years ago
....or, you can gather some allies and continuously pound them back into the Stone Age....since it's a war game, after all. :D
3 Votes
Game Monkeyposted
over 7 years ago
You ignorant snowflake, as mentioned by others and what you would known if you actually took the time to look instead of running to cry on the forums, the game already gave you methods to ignore what your "feelings" can't handle. If you are "offended" by something that happens online, then perhaps the internet is not for you. This is a War themed game, can't handle it go back to your safe space and play hello kitty or candy crush.
We advise you to use the Block feature which means that you will no longer see their messages in the State, Alliance or Language chat, nor can they send you any messages. You can block a player from within the message they send by tapping on their avatar and selecting Block.
0 Votes
BART GREEN posted over 4 years ago
How do I add another fort?
0 Votes
Robert Kriegar posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Gregory Bruce posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Rowdy Reb posted almost 7 years ago
3 Votes
Game Monkey posted over 7 years ago
If you are "offended" by something that happens online, then perhaps the internet is not for you.
This is a War themed game, can't handle it go back to your safe space and play hello kitty or candy crush.
2 Votes
Laura B posted over 7 years ago
Indeed, Larry.
That's another way of dealing with the situation.
1 Votes
Larry J McGarr posted over 7 years ago
1 Votes
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