You can teleport to another State if you have a Beginner’s teleport in your storage and your Town is under level 6.
The Advanced teleport can be used only to teleport within the same State to different coordinates.
10 Votes
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Ellen Gammonposted
about 3 years ago
Do you have to.purchas3 a teleport to go to another state after level6?
0 Votes
almost 7 years ago
Until Headquarter level 5 you can switch state. Higher levels can't. During Kill Event you can teleport to opponent state but time is limited. (4 hours I believe). You can attack enemy state Forts to gain points for your state. The winner gets gold mines and other stuff.
0 Votes
almost 7 years ago
And why we can't be with our alliances in the state they're in us just beyond me. You'd think if they were about the players then they'd help us out more than they help themselves.
0 Votes
Daniel Whiteposted
almost 7 years ago
So today we had someone from state 6 join our alliance in state 3. He left his alliance to join us and is stuck in limbo. How is this even possible?
0 Votes
Rune Stamnesøyposted
about 7 years ago
This nonsense needs to be changed
0 Votes
Christopher Minerposted
about 7 years ago
Im watching its now. State 5 forts being attacked in state 6. Which then turns the person being attacked into state 6 now.
0 Votes
about 7 years ago
I think that happens whenever we go across to look at their state. Then when we come back over the state line to our state, some of the s6 forts appear to change to s5 forts. I've seen it before elsewhere.
0 Votes
Christopher Minerposted
about 7 years ago
I swear I have been watching players switch from state 5 to state 6 on the border. Developers need to get a handle on this or everyone is going to leave the game
0 Votes
about 7 years ago
I'm not alone. My alliance is in state 4. Just cant get there. You do pose a really good question though about being able to stay in that state after SVS event. I hope the developers can come to an agreement on this or something. Would be nice for them to ease up on their rules about stuff like this a little bit.
0 Votes
Christopher Minerposted
about 7 years ago
You can join us Austin. Thk tar heel brigade. Thought I'd offer if your all alone
0 Votes
about 7 years ago
Funny you mention state 6. That's where my account is stuck and my alliance is in state 4. I tried asking the developers already to let me teleport over there being a level 22 fort and they said it would cause too many problems. I'd like to know what kind of problems exactly.
2 Votes
Christopher Minerposted
about 7 years ago
There are so many lost players without an alliance. We have exhausted all the players in state 6. It would be nice to allow other players to move here.
0 Votes
about 7 years ago
That would be awesome.
0 Votes
Christopher Minerposted
about 7 years ago
Can higher level players switch states in state vs. State challenges? And then stay in that new state.
You can teleport to another State if you have a Beginner’s teleport in your storage and your Town is under level 6.
The Advanced teleport can be used only to teleport within the same State to different coordinates.
10 Votes
Ellen Gammon posted about 3 years ago
0 Votes
Ronaldo posted almost 7 years ago
Until Headquarter level 5 you can switch state. Higher levels can't. During Kill Event you can teleport to opponent state but time is limited. (4 hours I believe). You can attack enemy state Forts to gain points for your state. The winner gets gold mines and other stuff.
0 Votes
Austin posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Daniel White posted almost 7 years ago
0 Votes
Rune Stamnesøy posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Christopher Miner posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Austin posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Christopher Miner posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Austin posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Christopher Miner posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Austin posted about 7 years ago
2 Votes
Christopher Miner posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Austin posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
Christopher Miner posted about 7 years ago
2 Votes
Kevin Woods posted about 7 years ago
0 Votes
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